Save Editors
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Given the effort required to keep up to date with the latest transfers from the real world of divegrass, plenty of save editors have been created by autistic sports fans who want to make sure their copy of PES reflects the real world exactly. While the autism and effort required to set up a made up tournament with meme players is very different, the fruits of their labor is nonetheless appreciated.
4CC Editors[edit | edit source]
While it might be tempting to go grab one of the halfchan editors they use for their Cup, it's not advised. The editor is built to edit to their Cup rules, and seems to work best specifically with their save file. (It might just be because their save file is unencrypted, but who knows)
ejogc327's PES 2018 Editor[edit | edit source]
Yes, it's a PES 2018 Editor, but it's capable of editing your encrypted PES 2017 save file without any real problems.
Introduction[edit | edit source]
When you first open up the editor you'll be greeted the following screen:
The sub-window gives you the option to edit your save file directly, via Load EDIT file, or directly edit the .bin files of your game of PES via Load DT files. There's almost no reason to choose this second option however, so stick with the first one, and give the program the path to your save file. If you installed things normally, it will be in the path shown in the image. If you haven't touched your save, or directly downloaded it from the main page, make sure to check 'Encrypted'. Lastly, make sure the 'PES 2017' box in the top right is checked off, because this is a 2018 Editor we're working with, you need to let it know it's Current Year+2, not +3.
Click 'Accept', let the Editor load your save, and you'll now see this screen:
This is the main screen of the editor, where you'll be doing most of the work. The screen is divided into about 4 major areas:
- Blue - Will usually hold a list of everything you happen to be looking at, be it players, teams, players on a specific team, etc.
- Red - The main editing area. As you see it above, it is currently showing the stats and attributes of one player, Emerson Sheik, who is just some random divegrass player who was already in PES.
- Green - Choose what you want to edit up here. Individual players, team features, coach names, etc.
- Orange - Right there under Green if you can't see it. This area is mostly irrelevant, with the main feature, the APPLY button being made redundant thanks to a keyboard shortcut. You can still use the search function though, that works just fine.
For the purposes of the tutorial, I'll refer to the relevant parts of the screen by their colors.
Editing[edit | edit source]
Editing is pretty straightforward, given how the editor is set up. You pick out what you want to edit from the Blue section of the screen and the specifics of it appear in the Red section. You can play around within the Red section all you want, but when you switch to something else in the Blue section, you will lose the changes you were making. That brings us to the second most important thing to know when using this editor:
Pressing F5 after you've finished editing what's on your screen. This is how you get the editor to "Apply" the changes you made to the file. If you don't press F5, the editor will not hold onto your changes. This brings us to the most important thing to know when using this editor:
The editor will refresh itself after you press F5, making it look like it saved the changes. It has not. You have to manually save it from the "File" dropdown in the top left. Take it from someone who lost a significant amount of edits because of applying but not saving, SAVE YOUR SHIT.
Player Editing[edit | edit source]
See Roster Editing
Team Editing[edit | edit source]
Exporting[edit | edit source]
Limitations[edit | edit source]
While the editor is pretty versatile for editing players and messing around with teams, there are limitations to it. Unless you're trying to overhaul the game yourself these for the most part won't affect you.
- Editor appears to be unable to increase the number of teams allowed in a league
- While sponsored teams can be changed, sponsored leagues cannot. Leagues like Ligue 1 which are fully licensed cannot be touched by the editor.
Download[edit | edit source]
- ejogc327's PES 2018 Editor